Nothing worth having comes easy

In the beginning of 2013, he decided to enter the bodybuilding world because of his great influence on it from his young age. He continued with strong determination despite the ridicule and frustration of some of the people in the gym because of his thinness.


"This is the result of the best physique I ever had. It was in Oct 2019 for the contest Gold's Gym Classic in Rotterdam Nederland"

 But despite that he did not care and nothing prevented him from exercising only during exams and fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan. After a period of time, his body became larger and harmonious in a beautiful and very natural way. Everyone who sees him is amazed and asks how he became like this.



Reaching this level doubled the persistence and persistence to achieve a dream and a goal that makes him a bodybuilder, regardless of the required level. He knows that one day he will reach a very big place. In fact, his confidence in his abilities increased his ambitions even more, and he participated in the Belgian Federation of Bodybuilding Championships in 2018, and was one of the first to take fifth place and third place in the preliminary championship. 

 It was a great achievement, but he took it as an experience to know his ability and himself more to gain experience to develop himself more and participate in other bigger and higher level championships. Indeed, he entered the Classic Amateur Championship and got fourth place at a much better level than the first experience. From then on, the determination increased more to obtain the professional card with continuity and intense exercises.

The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall

Bodybuilding is an art, and those who don't realize this don't know the meaning of bodybuilding. With perseverance, determination and strengthyou build your body, but self-confidence is everything

Nutrition Expert

Eating a healthy and balanced food that provides the body with energy and nutrients that the body needs to maintain its health

Advis from weight loss programs to competition training, I can prepares you to look, feel, and move better. Get the motivation, guidance and support you need to win. Beginners and seasoned athletes are all welcome to get in the best shape of their lives.


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